MATCH Function
match(string, regexp [, array])
Search string for the longest, leftmost substring matched by the regular expression and return the character position (index) at which that substring begins (one, if it starts at the beginning of string). If no match is found, return zero.
The regexp argument may be either a regexp constant (/…/) or a string constant ("…").
Note: The order of the first two arguments is the opposite of most other string functions that work with regular expressions, such as sub() and gsub(). It might help to remember that for match(), the order is the same as for the ‘~’ operator: ‘string ~ regexp’.
The match() function sets the predefined variable RSTART to the index. It also sets the predefined variable RLENGTH to the length in characters of the matched substring. If no match is found, RSTART is set to zero, and RLENGTH to -1.
SUBSTR Function
substr(string, start [, length ])
Return a length-character-long substring of string, starting at character number start. The first character of a string is character number one.49 For example, substr("washington", 5, 3) returns "ing".
If length is not present, substr() returns the whole suffix of string that begins at character number start. For example, substr("washington", 5) returns "ington". The whole suffix is also returned if length is greater than the number of characters remaining in the string, counting from character start.
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Command : awk 'match($0,/==.*?.csv.gz/){print $3","substr($0, RSTART+2, RLENGTH-2)}' Sample file
Output : 13,Required file.csv.gz